
I have stopped doing this project, after a visit to the hospital and some consideration…. I will leave the site up for the rest of this 2024 session.

The site provided a continually updated account of the status of bills about climate issues in the Washington State Legislative for several sessions.

If you aren’t already familiar with the many steps it takes to get a bill passed, this overview of the process might be helpful. You can find a detailed page about each bill through the indexes by number and indexes by topic; with the search box in the right hand menu; or by adding the bill number, with the letters in lower case and no spaces, to our home page URL, like www.waclimateleg.info/hb2294. (If you get an older bill with the same number, try adding -2 to the end, like /hb2294-2.) There’s a page keeping track of bills that are making progress in the process. (I have archived the pages about the bills from the 2020 session, the 2021 session, the 2022 session, and the 2023 session; unfortunately, they will show up in your results along with the current bills if you use the search box…)] There are links on the Topics menu to pages with the bills about various subjects, like utility regulation and electric vehicles, and event calendars for them. (We do not track land use bills.)

(There’s was a CarbonWA newsletter article about this blog, if you’d like to know a little more about me and it.)